Probation is a privilege and not a right. All DV crimes in Michigan carry jail time - either 93 days or one year as a maximum sentence. The first step is avoiding going to jail for domestic violence; if we're able to avoid that, then we focus on probation.
In Michigan, a person can go on probation for up to 24 months for a misdemeanor, which may require counseling, community service, education, alcohol/drug testing and a number of other requirements. Probation is not easy. Failure to comply with your requirements and you will be showcaused by the court for failure to comply or go straight to a probation violation hearing. If you are found to be in violation of your probation, there is a good chance you will be sent to jail for at least a short period of time, if not the full maximum amount. The key to domestic violence probation is to get the shortest possible term with the least amount of requirements; essentially defusing mines before they go off, and shorten the path to the finish line. All of my clients charged with DV in Michigan go on my proactive program from day, which allows us to shed months off probation and knock out requirements. Do a lot in 30-60 days and save yourself 3 to 12 months. The difference between being proactive and being on probation is the "requirements" I have you do are purely voluntary, and I cannot send you to jail; failure to follow my directions simply leads to my disappointment in you and an opportunity lost. Failure to follow the court's instructions and you're going to jail. Doesn't it make a lot of sense to proactive? Easier to learn to ride a bike on training wheels and shortern the learning process than to try to jump on a bike cold turkey and crash and burn. Comments are closed.