If you're charged with domestic violence in Michigan, and your wife has filed for divorce, you're fighting two uphill battles. Men charged with domestic violence in Michigan do not get the benefit of the doubt from the prosecutor and judge unless they earn it by being proactive and showing how they've reacted since the incident.
Being charged with domestic violence in Michigan does not help your divorce, but it is not the devastating factor that many people assume. Most divorce cases are worked out among the attorneys and yes, a DV charge creates leverage for your wife and her attorney, but in the end the assets, money and finances will be split up and agreed upon. Most divorce cases in Michigan, do not go to trial, so in the end, the DV is unlikely to be a direct factor where a charge is deciding you should get the short end of the stick because you are simply charged with a domestic violence offense. Your wife will be taking some of your money, some breakdown of cars, home with or without the domestic violence charge - negotiating a divorce settlement is a whole other story. A DV charge should be taken seriously, addressed with your rights protected, all options on the table, but it is not going to sink your divorce simply because you're accused of something in a criminal court. Comments are closed.